Application Table of Contents
Exhibit 1: General Requirements
Exhibit 2: Overview and Public Involvement
Exhibit 3: Location of Facilities and Surrounding Land Use
Exhibit 4: Real Property
Exhibit 5: Design Drawings
Exhibit 6: Public Health, Safety and Security
Exhibit 7: Noise and Vibration
Exhibit 8: Visual Impacts
Exhibit 9: Cultural Resources
Exhibit 10: Geology, Seismology and Soils
Exhibit 11: Terrestrial Ecology
Exhibit 12: NYS Threatened or Endangered Species
Exhibit 13: Water Resources and Aquatic Ecology
Exhibit 14: Wetlands
Exhibit 15: Agricultural Resources
Exhibit 16: Effect on Transportation
Exhibit 17: Consistency with Energy Planning Objectives
Exhibit 18: Socioeconomic Effects
Exhibit 19: Environmental Justice
Exhibit 20: Effect on Communications
Exhibit 21: Electric System Effects and Interconnection
Exhibit 22: Electric and Magnetic Fields
Exhibit 23: Site Restoration and Decommissioning
Exhibit 24: Local Laws and Ordinances
Exhibit 25: Other Permits and Approvals